The Boscawen Municipal Facility is home to the town offices and police station. Through the NHSaves® program, Resilient Buildings Group (RBG) staff worked with RISE Engineering to conduct a site visit of the facility, which presented ample opportunities to increase both efficiency and comfort.
During the site visit, it was noted that the town offices could benefit from adding air sealing and insulation in the attic and basement to reduce the amount of conditioned air being lost. Although this weatherization work (insulation and spray-foam air sealing) was not on the town’s improvement list, RBG staff worked with the Boscawen Facilities Director to prepare a package that included an enhanced incentive from Liberty, an incentive from Unitil, and an option for the town to utilize on-bill financing with Liberty.
Cracks in the building’s foundation, outdated furnaces, and lack of insulation throughout made the building expensive to heat and cool, and uncomfortable for the people who work there.
Add air sealing and insulation in the attic and basement and replace multiple outdated furnaces.
Because the town plans to utilize this establishment for many years to come, pursuing energy efficiency upgrades was important to extending the life, comfort, and stability of the building.
This weatherization project was approved quickly through the NHSaves® program. Another convenient option the town was able to utilize was Liberty’s 0% on-bill financing, which allowed the cost of the project to be paid over 36 months as fixed installments on their monthly utility bill.
The weatherization improvements made will save the Town of Boscawen $5,900 annually in fuel cost with a payback period of less than five years. In addition to the weatherization upgrades, the police department replaced three furnaces with new, highefficiency furnaces. This resulted in an additional incentive of $900 for the qualifying units.
“I would like to thank Liberty and NHSaves for providing us with rebates and on-bill financing. These two factors made our energy efficiency renovations more affordable, thereby allowing us to complete them when we needed to most.”
—Gary More, Town of Boscawen Director of Facilities
Results Summary
$5,900 in savings realized annually
Less than five years of payback period
$900 in equipment rebates
$17,000 incentive for air sealing and insulation weatherization
290 MMBTU estimated annual gas usage savings