NHSaves® Program Highlights
2021 Program Summary
These highlights outline the accomplishments of the NHSaves programs and features the resulting benefits to utility customers in 2021.
NHSaves is a collaboration of New Hampshire’s electric and natural gas utilities working together to provide New Hampshire customers with information, incentives and support designed to save energy, reduce costs and protect our environment statewide.

We’ve made a big difference in keeping New Hampshire green.
The NHSaves programs make it possible for New Hampshire residents, businesses and municipalities to reduce their energy burden by becoming more energy efficient. By making it easy and less expensive for customers to access high-efficiency appliances and equipment, the NHSaves utility partners are helping to defer the need for expensive new electricity generation and limiting harmful emissions.
251,436 MWhlifetime electric savings |
1,336,171 MMBtulifetime natural gas savings |
5,150 kWsummer savings |
7,448 kWwinter savings |
Commercial, Industrial and Municipal
1,133,685 MWhlifetime electric savings |
1,323,055 MMBtulifetime natural gas savings |
13,574 kWsummer savings |
11,972 kWwinter savings |
Homes Reached
2,497 |
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® |
1,765 |
1,678 |
Home Energy Assistance Program |
520,363 |
ENERGY STAR Products |
2,374 |
Large Business Energy Solutions |
11,412 |
Small Business Energy Solutions |
206 |
Municipal Projects |
Related Case Studies
Financial Summary
Electric & Natural Gas Program Spending by Category

Electric & Natural Gas Program Funding by Source
2021 Program Highlights
The NHSaves Program Highlights: 2021 highlights the significant accomplishments over New Hampshire’s first term under the Energy Efficiency Resource Standard (EERS).
Learn more about the accomplishments and successful outcomes of the NHSaves electric and natural gas programs during 2021. This report features the resulting benefits to natural gas and electricity customers in New Hampshire, as well as the positive impact on the economy and environment.

See the NHSaves Highlights
DownloadBetween 2018–2020, the NHSaves utility partners offered comprehensive programs designed to improve energy efficiency across the state, helping New Hampshire residents to reduce their energy costs and help protect the environment through reduced electricity, natural gas and delivered fossil fuel consumption.