young women smiling while studying


The NHSaves® utility partners provide resources and success stories that help residents, businesses and towns learn more about energy efficiency and ways to save on energy costs.

Choose a category and topic of interest, or browse all our great resources.

manufacturing facilities

Energy ­management programs should incorporate elements of industrial process control.

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Water heating accounts for nearly 20 percent of the energy costs in a typical home.

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facility lighting

Intelligent light controls can help you reduce operating costs and improve your facility.

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smartphone with lighting control

Lighting is critical for comfort and security, but it can account for up to 15 percent of your annual electricity costs,

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A well-maintained ventilation system can save energy, as well as increase safety and comfort.

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heat pump

Seven simple and cost-effective ways you can help reduce air leaks in your home:

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doctor and surgeon walking

Through Eversource’s new Commercial Heating, Cooling, and Water Heating Equipment rebate program, the hospital was able to lower its installation costs by more than $23,000.

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Liberty assisted this low income project that allowed for 100% rebate towards insulation and air sealing.

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schoolgirl writing in classroom lesson in primary

Plainfield Elementary School reduces its energy use and carbon footprint by working with Liberty to implement smart energy conservation measures.

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Energy Efficiency Education Workshops