Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital

doctor and surgeon walking

Colebrook, NH

In front of three new high-efficiency hot water boilers stand Jeff Lacoy (left), facility manager of Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital in Colebrook, and Eversource Account Executive Randy Perkins.

The boilers have replaced the hospital’s less efficient steam boilers and, with that change, the hospital is expecting 40 percent lower heating bills this winter, saving critical dollars that can be reinvested into patient services.

Through Eversource’s new Commercial Heating, Cooling, and Water Heating Equipment rebate program, the hospital was able to lower its installation costs by more than $23,000. ”Lower energy costs, greater reliability, less environmental impact, and better for the bottom line, this rebate program represents a true partnership between economic realities and environmental benefits for many of our commercial customers,‰” says Randy.

The recently launched Heating Equipment Rebate program enables Eversource to give incentives to their customers like Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital, even when the energy saved isn’t electric.

With funding provided by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), the rebates allow Eversource to help its customers look at their energy use in total, not just electricity but heating oil and propane as well.

”This helps us keep the focus on helping our customer’s entire business, not just where we happen to intersect,” adds Randy.

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