The Eversource Energy Rewards Request for Proposal (RFP) Program offers incentives on a competitive basis to our commercial and industrial customers who achieve measurable energy savings through the installation of energy efficiency measures.
If you are a commercial or industrial customer undertaking a large energy efficiency project, you can submit a proposal requesting incentives to offset the cost of your project. Each proposal must identify the incentive amount required from Eversource to go through with the project(s) and have enough detail to accurately estimate energy savings, project costs, and other parameters.
Eligible measures include:
- High efficiency lighting systems
- Motor variable speed drives
- Process or air conditioning system improvements
- Other measures that reduce annual electrical consumption.
Non-eligible measures:
- New construction projects
- Any power-producing project such as co-generation
- Fuel switching (switching from electric energy)
- Any repair or maintenance projects
- Any technology with a measure lifetime of less than three years
Minimum requirements:
- The project must be for an Eversource commercial or industrial customer with a minimum monthly demand of 350 kW
- Minimum savings for each project is 175,000 kWh/year (may be aggregated across multiple sites)
- Minimum total project cost is $150,000
How are proposals selected?
Eversource evaluates the proposals based on cost/benefit review as well as other non-price variables such as the comprehensiveness of the project measures (i.e. inclusion of measures other than lighting) and reduction of on-site emissions or waste streams. Funds awarded are based on an annual program budget.
Who can apply?
Eversource commercial and industrial customers with a minimum monthly demand of 350 kW, energy service companies, and other third party service providers representing commercial and industrial customers are eligible to participate.
Bidder’s Package
The Bidder’s Package consists of seven files that can be downloaded below.
The Request for Proposal Specification describes the RFP Program in detail.
The other six forms must be included with your proposal:
- Project Track Proposal Information Form
- Measure Information Form
- Site Information Form
- Bidders Certification Form
- Sample Customer Letter of Intent
- RFP 2018 BCR Estimator
If you have further questions please contact Gary LaCasse at 603-634-3216 or gary.lacasse@eversource.com.