History of NHSaves
Reducing energy costs. Protecting our environment. Making the communities of New Hampshire more sustainable. The NHSaves® programs, funded by electric and natural gas ratepayers and delivered by Eversource, Liberty Utilities, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative and Unitil, have been helping New Hampshire residents, businesses and municipalities save money and energy and make our homes, businesses and towns more sustainable and more comfortable places to live and work for over two decades. This collaboration allows the utility partners to deliver innovative energy efficiency solutions to residential, commercial, industrial and municipal customers across the State of New Hampshire through programs, rebates, contractor education and support. Program funding comes from ratepayers, made available through a charge on utility bills.
NHSaves was created in 2001 to bring together the utility partners, contractors, stakeholders, policy makers and regulators to provide continuity in the delivery of cost-effective energy efficiency solutions across New Hampshire. When one customer participates, it creates long-term benefits for all residents, business owners and communities. In fact, from 2018 to 2020 alone, the NHSaves programs helped customers save over four million MWh in electric savings and 14,078,696 MMBtu in natural gas and other heating fuel savings. Collectively, that’s enough energy to power over 680,000 homes for one year. CLICK HERE to view our 2018–2020 program highlights and learn more about the other benefits your participation in the NHSaves programs has helped to create.
The NHSaves utility partners offer financial incentives and technical expertise to help residents, businesses and municipalities across the state implement energy efficiency upgrades. Services include (but are not limited to) virtual energy audits, lighting upgrades and retrofits for businesses and towns, as well as home energy audits and an ENERGY STAR® Homes Program for residents building a new construction. Additionally, the utility partners offer rebates and incentives on numerous products, such as room air purifiers and heat pump water heaters for homes and new equipment for businesses.
The most recent 2022–23 energy efficiency plan was designed to help New Hampshire achieve energy efficiency savings and produce customer energy cost savings, peak demand reductions, a highly trained workforce and a cleaner environment. The programs also enable customers to pursue energy efficiency upgrades that may otherwise not be pursued due to barriers such as needing guidance and upfront cost.
With over two decades of successful program delivery under their belts, your NHSaves utility partners look forward to continuing to serve our state’s residents, businesses and municipalities for decades to come.
Learn more about saving.
The NHSaves utility partners have tips and information to help you save money and energy.