Energy Education Workshop
In-Class Teaching Partners
All K-12 Schools in the NHSaves utilities service area can take advantage of the specified New Hampshire Energy Education Project (NHEEP) workshops at no cost.
Here’s How It Works
- Before the workshop, teachers connect by phone or email with a NHEEP educator to tweak lesson plans and worksheets to suit their students. SIGN UP AT veep.org/teachingpartnerships/
- The NHEEP educator will arrive with all materials and equipment to collaboratively run the workshop. Educators can also help with additional equipment needs and suggestions for other lessons, as well as curriculum ideas for a unit of study.
Grade Range: K-12 teachers
Time Commitment: 30 minutes of collaborative prep 90-120 minutes in class
Workshops Offered
Conservation Kids
Students gain an understanding of what energy is and how it powers our daily lives. They will explore hands-on stations that demonstrate conservation and leave with simple strategies to save energy at home and school.
Grades K-3
Electricity & The Environment
Students learn about electricity and how it powers our world. They will explore hands-on stations that let them learn more about electrical generation and efficiency.
Grades 4-10
Home Heat Transfer
Students explore how they can use less energy to heat their home while still keeping it at a comfortable temperature. This workshop demonstrates the concepts of thermal energy transfer and familiarizes students with different insulation materials, including the materials’ roles in heat transfer and slowing heat loss.
Grades 6-12
Green Energy Careers
Students investigate home electricity use and create connections between electrical usage, electrical generation and carbon dioxide emissions. They’ll do a hands-on analysis of the benefits available from efficiency improvements and how those can relate to job skills and career opportunities.
Grades 10-12
“This was one of the best content engagement days I have experienced in my 23 years as a teacher.”
— Haverhill, NH teacher after a NHEEP student workshop
“This workshop was so great that it inspired me to commit to making energy/sustainability and renewable energy a focus for the year.”
— Second-grade teacher after a NHEEP student workshop
Teacher Professional Development Workshops
The NHSaves utility partners are offering NHEEP’s NGSS Instructional Toolkit Workshops free to all teachers in the NHSaves utilities’ service area. These full-day teacher PD workshops help teachers bring energy efficiency and hands-on energy learning into their classroom. The workshops feature guided discovery, hands-on inquiry explorations, deep dives into disciplinary science core ideas and best teaching practices to support the Next Generation Science Standards. They’ll leave knowing how to use NGSS aligned materials and curricula, including NHEEP curriculum support kits, to support their specific grade-level needs.
Grade range: K–12 teachers
Time commitment: 1 day
See all training dates or request a new date at veep.org/ngssinstructionaltoolkittrainingworkshops
“This was wonderful! There were so many ideas and resources that I can take back to the classroom. I plan to utilize the kits and backwards design lessons. I loved that this was hands-on learning with so many takeaways. I was so engaged the entire time!”
— Teacher after a custom PD workshop
Contact NHEEP at info@veep.org for all the details